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苏州汇鸿复合材料有限公司 based on internet big data, it integrates upstream and downstream resources of the industry to provide comprehensive, professional and efficient information and talent services for the thermal hvac industry. it is responsible for promoting the development of energy conservation and environmental protection and promoting the development of the thermal information power industry. it aims to become the world's most professional and professional hvac information platform with the most professional services. 2025-03-14
gas CM,聚阴离子纤维素PAC,C,羟乙基纤维素HEC羟丙基甲基纤维素HPMC,山东立健化工有限公司造粒速溶纤维素,印染级纤维素CMC,热升华涂布粉末,专业生产厂家实力厂家。高取代度CMCgas ,特殊用途纤维素定制生产,生产基地山东临沂 based on internet big data, it integrates upstream and downstream resources of the industry to provide comprehensive, professional and efficient information and talent services for the thermal hvac industry. it is responsible for promoting the development of energy conservation and environmental protection and promoting the development of the thermal information power industry. it aims to become the world's most professional and professional hvac information platform with the most professional services. 2025-03-03
濮阳嘉阳环保材料是一家专业生产水处理药剂,油田钻井泥浆材料,环保材料,净水材料的厂家,主要生产聚丙烯酰胺、聚合氯化铝、起泡剂、羧甲基纤维素(CMC)、高低粘羧甲基纤维素钠盐、石油助剂、分散剂、助留剂、铜铝催化剂等 based on internet big data, it integrates upstream and downstream resources of the industry to provide comprehensive, professional and efficient information and talent services for the thermal hvac industry. it is responsible for promoting the development of energy conservation and environmental protection and promoting the development of the thermal information power industry. it aims to become the world's most professional and professional hvac information platform with the most professional services. 2025-03-03
邹平力虹生物科技有限公司是一家集研发,生产,销售为一体的工业生物技术公司,主要从事羧甲基纤维素钠、变性淀粉、生物胶粉、预糊化淀粉、陶瓷釉料等产品的研究、生产和经营,公司严格控制产品生产过程,本着“安全、健康、环保”的一贯原则,国家标准、行业标准和企业标准,全方位监控产品质量,为用户提供优质、高效、适用的产品。所有产品以天然植物类为主要原料,成品外观呈白色粉末状,无味、无嗅、无毒,铅、砷等重金属含量、菌落总数均达到相应生产标准。经过多年的努力,在各类工业产品的应用上积累了大量的客户和应用知识,希望和广大的客户能够及时有效沟通,共同协作。 heck information - the most professional boiler vertical industry platform! 2025-03-03
山东聚隆纤维素有限公司主要生产:羟丙基甲基纤维素,羟乙基纤维素,羧甲基纤维素钠,羟乙基甲基纤维素。专业生产羟丙基甲基纤维素(型号20万,15万,10万,5万),我们将给您羟丙基甲基纤维素,羟乙基纤维素,羧甲基纤维素钠,羟乙基甲基纤维素厂家价格,我们的产品已被江苏、安徽、广东、浙江和上海等涂料、保温等行业广泛应用,欢迎电话咨询。 heck information - the most professional boiler vertical industry platform! 2025-03-02
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临沂齐虹生物制品有限公司位于全国三大批发市场之一的山东省临沂市,羧甲基纤维素及羧甲基淀粉在悬浮剂、增稠剂、增粘剂、平滑剂、分散剂、乳化稳定剂和粘度调节剂等领域,以其优异的假塑性、流变性、渗透性、保护胶体化和防污垢再附着等性能,广泛用于油田钻井、金属矿浮选、冶金球团、消失模铸造、建筑预制、涂料、腻子、陶瓷、洗涤、日化、纺织印染、造纸涂布、烟草薄片、制香、电池、电焊条等行业。 corporate brand 2025-02-22
烟台星羽新材料有限公司是一家从事硅胶产品研发、生产型公司,主要加工产品:柱层层析硅胶粉、氧化铝板、羧甲基纤维素钠板、薄层层析硅胶板、薄层层析硅胶粉等,产品广泛应用于海内外航空,医疗科研单位,高等院校等。 heck information - the most professional boiler vertical industry platform! 2025-02-20
怀化奥晟科技优先公司,建厂20余年,专业生产羧甲基纤维素钠的厂家,产品线包含锂电池,化工,陶瓷等方向,品质有保证,您值得信赖! volunteer service network 2025-02-17
河南胜久实业有限公司(电话:13698898792)是生产羧甲基纤维素钠CMC的生产厂家,主要市场包括洛阳、郑州、河南、陕西、山西、甘肃、新疆、内蒙、吉林、辽宁、湖北、湖南、江西、四川等。欢迎新老客户咨询洽谈,合作共赢! fiberglass cloth felt 2025-02-15
佛山市富实新高分子纤维有限公司是一家大型的专业研发、生产和销售羧甲基纤维素钠CMC的生产厂家,已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系和伊斯兰Halal质量认证。公司主要产品食品级CMC、陶瓷级CMC、石油级CMCPAC、造纸级CMC、洗涤级CMC、纺织印染级CMC、涂料级CMC、蚊香级CMC、电池-电焊条级CMC等。官网 fiberglass cloth felt 2025-02-13
四川简阳鑫成化工有限公司专业生产销售硫酸,盐酸,液碱,草酸,硝酸,羧甲基纤维素钠,脱模剂,不锈钢清洗剂,硝酸锌,硫酸锌等化工产品,欢迎咨询:13438300907. fiberglass cloth felt 2025-02-11
山东青州清泉纤维素厂羧甲基纤维素钠,羧甲基纤维素钠cmc,纤维素,聚阴离子纤维素,石油钻探纤维素专业生产。电话:0536-3702738手机:13953681829 nanjing tianren environmental protection equipment co., ltd. home page - bafang resources network 2025-02-11
山东森美生物科技有限公司是SENMEIDA集团公司于2008年投资成立,位于淄博市临淄区凤凰镇,厂区占地6万多平方米,员工200人,采用先进的生产及检测设备,年生产能力5万吨。公司专注于纤维素醚的研发、生产和销售,主要产品有羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC),聚阴离子纤维素(PAC),羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)。 yunnan biomass steam generator-rud machinery manufacturing co., ltd. 2025-02-08
language: CMC) wechat id copy statistics PAC) search and query of gas boiler related websites - aixiang station /popularity rankings /oil company 2025-01-31
common knowledge of life CMC( our company specializes in the sale of products such as burning (oil) gas boilers, ultra-low nitrogen fueling (gas) boilers, biomass boilers, electric heating boilers, steam generators, biomass pellet combustion machines, fuel (gas) combustion machines, water treatment equipment, environmental protection equipment, etc. welcome to consult! SBR( shanghai zhenkaliya road ultra low nitrogen combustor shanghai zhenka industrial co., ltd. HPMC、 related websites volunteer service network 2025-01-29
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国宇环保专业生产硝酸银、羧甲基纤维素、羧甲基纤维素钠、食品级CMC,石油级CMC等产品.如有需要硝酸银、羧甲基纤维素、羧甲基纤维素钠的,请联系我们:18796979555 heck information - the most professional boiler vertical industry platform! 2025-01-21
廊坊毓秀科技有限公司主营产品有:羧甲基纤维素钠-预糊化淀粉-羧甲基淀粉-黄原胶等,产品畅销全国各地. volunteer service network 2025-01-20
山东东达纤维素有限公司是专业的羧甲基纤维素钠和羧甲基淀粉钠以及羟丙基甲基纤维素生产型企业,工厂采用进口设备,国际先进技术,产品性能领先国际水平,24小时销售热线:13280657534。 henan sitong boiler co., ltd. focuses on the research and development and manufacturing of oil-fired boilers, gas-fired boilers and steam boilers. it is a designated production and manufacturing of the general administration of quality inspection and quarantine. 2025-01-18
service: boiler package installation and regular maintenance. CMC) daqing boiler factory CMC) yongxing special equipment company mainly deals in: biomass boilers, gas boilers, thermal oil furnaces, electric boilers and other products. it has high heat efficiency and low nitrogen emissions. it is widely used in the supply of steam, heating and hot water in food, textiles, building materials, medicine, hotels, colleges and commercial complexes, and has been sold to more than 80 countries and regions. heck information - the most professional boiler vertical industry platform! 2025-01-18 based on internet big data, it integrates upstream and downstream resources of the industry to provide comprehensive, professional and efficient information and talent services for the thermal hvac industry. it is responsible for promoting the development of energy conservation and environmental protection and promoting the development of the thermal information power industry. it aims to become the world's most professional and professional hvac information platform with the most professional services. 2025-01-17
江苏立成化学有限公司位于江苏省沿海化工园区内,化学原料较为丰富,精制棉和乙醇等原材料运输成本较低。工厂距离连云港机场和港口为100KM左右,离上海500KM左右。公司于2006年在滨海沿海化工园区投资新办工厂,主要生产纤维素醚系列,产量达12,000吨…… yunnan biomass steam generator-rud machinery manufacturing co., ltd. 2025-01-15 based on internet big data, it integrates upstream and downstream resources of the industry to provide comprehensive, professional and efficient information and talent services for the thermal hvac industry. it is responsible for promoting the development of energy conservation and environmental protection and promoting the development of the thermal information power industry. it aims to become the world's most professional and professional hvac information platform with the most professional services. 2025-01-14
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